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Größe: 4931 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-26Ericsson reported underlying operating margin improvement in all segments YoY. Segment Managed Services’ gross margin excluding restructuring charges improved to 17.7% (9.1%) YoY, supported ...Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 20 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-25This pdf will tell you the detail information about Micro Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacito, so just read it carefully.Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 3159 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-25Established in 1982, MEAN WELL is a leading standard switching power supply manufacture in the world. MEAN WELL currently operates under five companies in Taiwan, China, USA and Europe and...Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 2257 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-25The RF5110G is a high-power, high-gain, high-efficiency power amplifier. The device is manufactured with an advanced GaAs HBT process. It is designed for use as the final RF amplifier in GSM...Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 8214 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-25CONTACT RATING: Q contact material: 4 AMPS @ 125 V AC or 28 V DC; 2 AMPS @ 250 V AC (UL/CSA). See page L-9 for additional ratings. ELECTRICAL LIFE: 10,000 make-and-break cycles at...Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 9442 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-25Type BBR "BLUE BEAVE," miniature veion s of the SR. arc es p ecially populor fo r cromp ed spa ce in stallation s in te lev ision receive. hearing aids, miniature rad ios cnd other sma...Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 2819 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-24Features ( Kyocera's series of Mutilayer Ceramic Chio Capacito are designed to meet a wide variety of needs. We offer a complete range of products for both general and special...Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 427 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-24The Agilent QuickProbe is a real-time MS analysis technique that enables you to identify compounds with little or no sample preparation. The easy-to-use probe, combined with an Agilent GC/MS...Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 613 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-24Harris Corporation is a leading technology innovator, solving custome’ toughest mission-critical challenges by providing solutio that connect, inform and protect. Harris supports governm...Etikett: Herunterladen
Größe: 1531 Kb Veröffentlichungszeit: 2020-03-24JRC is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies. As a service of the European Commission, the...Etikett: Herunterladen