Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Integrated circuits are referred to as ICs, chips, or microchips. The integration of large numbers of tiny transistors into a small chip replaces the manual assembly of circuits using discrete electronic components. Integrated circuits has many features such as mass production capability, reliability, and building-block approach to circuit design, which makes the adoption of standardized ICs in place of designs using discrete transistors. Integrated circuits can be classified into analog, digital and mixed signal (both analog and digital on the same chip). The manufacturing process includes fabrication, packaging and chip labeling and manufacture date. They are widely used in all electronic equipment, including computers, mobile phones, and other digital appliances. Jotrin as a supplier of electronic parts, selling many types of integrated circuits. brand integrated circuit manufacturers including Analog Devices, Atmel, Cypress, Fairchild, IDT, Maxim Integrated, NXP, ON Semiconductor. Where to buy integrated circuits(ICS)chip? Choose Jotrin Electronics as your Cheap,obsolete,new,excess integrated circuits(ICS)chip supplier, distributor.
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Synchronous Buck Regulator Single 4.3V to 17V 36-Pin IQFN
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 1200
HDMI 2.0a 4-In 2-Out Repeater with Jitter Clean, HDCP 2.2, Lefr Right, Even Odd, 420 Conversion
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 330
Analog Circuit, 1 Func, 4.50 X 3MM, 0.95MM HEIGHT, LGA-16
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 4000
FPGA Artix-7 Family 215360 Cells 28nm Technology 1V 484-Pin FCBGA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Lagerbestand : 1
FPGA Artix-7 Family 215360 Cells 28nm Technology 1V 676-Pin FCBGA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Lagerbestand : 1
FPGA Artix-7 Family 101440 Cells 28nm Technology 1V 484-Pin FBGA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 277
FPGA Zynq UltraScale Family 930300 Cells 1760-Pin FCBGA Tray
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 200
FPGA Virtex UltraScale Family 2851800 Cells 20nm Technology 0.95V 2892-Pin FCBGA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 27
FPGA iCE40 Ultra Family 5280 Cells 40nm Technology 1.2V 48-Pin QFN EP T/R
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 11
FPGA Stratix IV E Family 228000 Cells 40nm Technology 0.9V 780-Pin FC-FBGA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 224
FPGA Cyclone V SX Family 110000 Cells 28nm Technology 1.1V 896-Pin FBGA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 100
FPGA Stratix 10 SX Family 2800000 Cells 14nm Technology 1.8V 2397-Pin FC-FBGA
1 + 10 + 25 + 50 + >=100 -
Mindestbestellmenge : 1 Lagerbestand : 258