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Alliance Memory AS4C Series SDRAM

Updatezeit: 2019-12-19 10:46:49

Alliance Memory AS4C Series SDRAM

Alliance Memory AS4C Series SDRAM are high-speed CMOS synchronous DRAM containing 64, 128, or 256 Mbits. They are internally configured as 4 Banks of 1M, 2M, or 4M word x 16 DRAM with a synchronous interface (all signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK). Read and write accesses to the SDRAM are burst oriented; accesses start at selected location and continue for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. Accesses begin with the registration of a BankActivate command which is then followed by a Read or Write command.

Alliance Memory AS4C Series SDRAM provides for programmable Read or Write burst length of 1, 2, 4, 8, or full page, with a burst termination option. An auto precharge function may be enabled to provide a self-timed row precharge that is initiated at the end of the burst sequence. The refresh functions, either Auto or Self Refresh are easy to use. By having a programmable mode register, the system can choose the most suitable modes to maximize its performance. These devices are well suited for applications requiring high memory bandwidth and particularly well suited to high performance PC applications.

Alliance Memory, Inc. is a fabless semiconductor company specializing in Fast Asynchronous products, including low power SRAM and SDRAM. Alliance Memory features a Fast SRAM line-up that includes densities ranging from 64k to 4M Fast SRAM in both the x8 and x16 configuration. Alliance Memory's product line of legacy memories supports the industrial and communications markets....

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